Sunday, October 17, 2010

Something Yummy, Something Hilarious & Something Iffy

The kids and I went out shopping this morning. We headed over to the Farmer’s Market, the 100 Yen Store and then to Max Value.  We scored some interesting stuff. First we found something yummy! My favorite rice at the Farmer’s Market!

Then at the 100 Yen store, the funniest thing! A set of appliqués (stickers) for the toilet that have faces on them and say “Mission Success!” and  “ Relax your head. Relax your face good…”  Yeah, when we move into our new house, these are SO going on my toilet!!

Next, at Max Value we found some almost tasteless gelatinous blobs that you roll in a powder that smells and tastes kind of peanutty.  I did NOT care for these, but my daughter who will eat any kind of Japanese food LOVED them.

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