Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Scarf for My Girl who Prefers Boy Stuff

I already made her the cupcake hat, so I figured why not a cupcake scarf to go with it?  She had asked for Bowser & Princess peach, but I didn't think I could make one small enough with those characters. So I made her a cupcake scarf. Yeah, so when I gave it to her she says, "Where's Bowser & Princess Peach?". I nicely told her that I couldn't fit them on there. We'll see whether she wears this scarf or not. She did like the cupcakes, she just REALLY wanted some Mario Bros. characters like her brothers got on theirs.

Hmmm... it was a free pattern, but it seems within the past few days it has changed and is no longer free. :(

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