Friday, October 29, 2010

A Sad Day

Bella had her last day of preschool at Koza Seibo Yochien today.  The move is coming up soon and it was time to say goodbye.  Her class sang to her, then they each told her goodbye as they left for the day.  The class also made her a scrapbook to remember them by.  Each child drew her a picture or wrote something for her.  Her teacher told her Sayonara many times and kept coming back for just one more hug.  She was crying the whole time, which of course made me cry.  I have never been so sad to leave a school or a place before.  The love they have shown Bella is amazing and heartwarming. It is something we will never forget. And hopefully someday we can come back to visit Okinawa and her wonderful little school. :)

 Bella and her teacher Atsuko

A page from the scrapbook they made for her!


  1. Hello,

    I just wanted to tell you that I loved your post on Koza Seibo Yochien. I recently met a wonderful young lady named Yuko whose children attend this school & I was talking to her about it. My children currently attend an International preschool, an although I love it, it just wasn't what I was really looking for as everything seems to be geared toward English.

    When we were here I the 90's, my oldest, now 18, attended a Japanese Catholic Kindergarten and it was the best thing ever, however, this time around with two to pay for I could not afford to pay $500-$600 each for them to attend that same school.

    As you can imagine, I was super excited when Yuko mentioned Koza Seibo and told me how inexpensive they were! I immediately started Googling the school and came across your blog. Thank you so much for sharing!


  2. Hello,

    I just wanted to tell you that I loved your post on Koza Seibo Yochien. I recently met a wonderful young lady named Yuko whose children attend this school & I was talking to her about it. My children currently attend an International preschool, an although I love it, it just wasn't what I was really looking for as everything seems to be geared toward English.

    When we were here I the 90's, my oldest, now 18, attended a Japanese Catholic Kindergarten and it was the best thing ever, however, this time around with two to pay for I could not afford to pay $500-$600 each for them to attend that same school.

    As you can imagine, I was super excited when Yuko mentioned Koza Seibo and told me how inexpensive they were! I immediately started Googling the school and came across your blog. Thank you so much for sharing!

