Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've decided to share some of my photography. I just got a new camera and I have been testing it out and seeing what it & I can do together. We have had recent trips to the zoo, the botanical gardens and even some trips right out our front door. I hope you enjoy things from my point of view.

A rusty lantern at the Southeast Botanical Gardens, Okinawa.

Comprehensive Park, Okinawa

My view of a sign at the botanical gardens, Okinawa.

Marble stone etched with kanji at the entrance to the botanical gardens, Okinawa.

A fish statue at the botanical gardens, Okinawa.

The railing of a dock in the botanical gardens, Okinawa.

I found these bricks fascinating.
Botanical Gardens, Okinawa.

A thatched roof and a wooden light fixture.
Botanical Gardens, Okinawa.

Now onto the kid pics! These are pics I think are artistic or I just love them so I am sharing them. Most are Bella, but one is Chan. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.

Bella at a park in Okinawa

Chan in our front yard in Okinawa

Princess Bella in our front yard

Bella at Cape Zanpa

Southeast Botanical Gardens

Southeast Botanical Gardens

Bella looking at the fishies
Southeast Botanical Gardens

Southeast Botanical Gardens

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. geez . . . you can knit, sew AND shoot beautiful photographs! i love the shot of her looking at the fish!
