Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Squishy the Squid Pattern

So I finally wrote out my pattern for Squishy the Squid. I have been procrasinating long enough. I have 2 pattern testers working on him right now and I am hoping to have the pattern available in my etsy shop within the week! I started this squid as a special order for someone and I just didn't like any of the other patterns I had found, so I kinda just made him up as I went along. The recipient LOVED it and I was asked if I had a pattern for him. So, it has been a whiule and having already sold the original Squishy, I had to start over and worka nd rework the pattern. But I think the final product is awesome!! He is more of a cute squid and not a realistic looking squid, which is what I was going for when I made him.

I will let you know when it is available in my shop. I have also been working on a bunch of stuff, but haven't had time to take pics because of all the stinky rain here! Hopefully this week. I used some cool free patterns for a few things and I will post links when I post my pics!

Later taters!

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