Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Very Productive Day

I managed to start about 5 projects today and actually finished 2 of them! YAY!

One was stenciled halloween treat bags. My neighbor wanted her children's names on the bags, so i cut some stencils and painted those up. (done)

Then I had a special order from Market Day for a key fob & zippered pouch combo. The design on these is simple, but the fabric is what makes these super sweet! (done)

I also started 5 more stencils for some projects I am working on.

Here is a pic of the keyfob & pouch...

Super cute bunny. At first I was unsure of the yellow, but once I found the perfect fabric for the inside of the ears, it became my favorite!

This elephant was made as a special order for someone to decorate their baby's room. I love this fabric!

Super squishy hippo, also for same special order as above!

For the elephant and hippo, I drew my own pattern out and then made them.

Oh, and for anyone keeping track, AAFES has FINALLY graced us with the option of buying THE OFFICE SEASON 4!! Only like a month after everyone else in the world was able to get their grubby little mitts on it!

~~ Proud owner of The Office Season 4 dvd set!!! ~~

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the fabric on the pouch rocks! I hope you sell many of them and the key fobs!
