Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Free as a Bird

Finally finished with my big order, YAY!! So I am taking a break from orders and from Market Day this month. I hope to be back at Market Day again in November though. I am making myself a tote bag in my favorite color, maroon/burgandy/wine. It is gorgeous! I have to take a break from making what other people want and make what I want for a little while. I LOVE to crochet, but I feel like i am getting burnt out. And if I ever really hated crocheting, that would be horrifying!! So I'll take a break and make some fun stuff I have been waiting to work on. I told my hubby, I am gonna make things that I want to make and if people would like to purchase them great, if not, that's okay, because I am enjoying myself and that is all that matters. And I just found out that my best friend is having a boy!!!! So I am all set to make her TONS of stuff!!! My etsy shop is still up and running, although I may not be able to add new things as quickly as I would like. But that's life. I was never really in this for the money anyway. The most joy I get is from creating something that brings a smile and happiness into someone else's life. I am off to work on my tote bag!!!
Oh and I still have some peek-a-boo bunnies available and will be taking special orders for these since they are sewn and not crocheted. :)

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