Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cutest Shoes Ever!!!

So, we had an "incident" the other day in which some two year old, who shall remain nameless, "soiled" her shoes and they had to be thrown away. So of course we had to go shoe shopping. Now normally back home in the US, we could go to Payless or somewhere with a decent selection of reasonably priced tennis shoes. Not so when you live on a military base in Okinawa. You have the BX/PX and that is it. And the selection of toddler girls shoes is just plain SAD! Not to mention pricey. So we went off base for the shoe shopping.

Usually I can find her a cute pair at the "bunny store" by Araha beach. This time however there were many boy styles and few girly ones in her size. Although I did score HUGE on clothes! They are clearing out all of their summer clothes, even though it is still steamy here, and I got 2 dresses, 5 shirts and 2 pants for about $30. Woohoo!!!

So off to the Birthday store. May I just say I LOVE the Birthday store. Not only did I find her 2 of the cutest embroidered pairs of jeans for 500 Yen a piece (roughly $5 each), but we found the SHOES!!!!

There is no way to express how much I love Japanese kids shoes. They are very nicely priced, in this case about $8.50, and they are adorable. These shoes that we purchased are not only adorable, but every time she takes a step they squeak! I know, you are thinking...ANNOYING!! But it really doesn't bother me, and she LOVES LOVES LOVES them. She purposely runs back and forth just to hear her shoes!! I will tell you that we did get some smiles and some strange looks when we ran errands today, most were smiles, but I could see some people cringe at the "squeak, squeak, squeak" as my little angel ran around happy as could be. Okay, here are the cutest shoes!

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