Sunday, August 29, 2010

Handmade Iron Maiden Lunch Bag

One of my son's Iron Maiden shirts ripped, so I told him to keep it and I would make something out of it.

It has been sitting in my craft closet for months.

 School is about to start and he wants me to pack him a bento for lunch.

He has a double bento and a tupperware for a salad, so it is too much to fit in the bags that are supposed to hold bento boxes.

Plus he didn't really like any of the bags he saw.

Mom to the rescue!!

He now has a new lunch bag made from the old Iron Maiden shirt!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Goomba & Shy Guy Scarf

Since we are moving back to the midwest after 5 years on a tropical island, I am making scarves for the kids.
 I hope it keeps them warm this winter. I asked them to pick some Super Mario Bros. characters. 
C picked the Goomba and a Shy Guy.
I think it turned out pretty awesome!

Here is the scarf and then C modeling it for me. :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Heading Home

Soon our tour of Okinawa will be ending. It has been a great 5 years and we hope to return again someday.  This is pretty much home to our kids. They have grown up here. B was born here and is confused when I say that we are going "home", I mean this IS her home.  Although we are sad to leave, we are excited to be moving back closer to home and our family.  Anyway, I just found a photo of our 1st Easter in Okinawa, we had been here a mere 7 months and the boys were so little.  I just had to post a before and after shot of how much the kids have grown since we moved here. 

April 2006

June 2010

and little Miss who was born here. :)
(photo taken Aug 2010)